The Chapel elders are recruiting applicants for this new position on our Pastoral staff.
Details are available here.
Seeking candidates for Executive Pastor position
The Chapel elders are recruiting applicants for this new position on our Pastoral staff.
Details are available here.
Come worship with us this Sunday!
Chapel by the Sea is a non-denominational
Bible teaching church located at
14730 Turnagain Bluff Way in Anchorage, Alaska.
Sunday Morning Schedule
Chapel Main Auditorium
Both services have the same music and sermon.
8:00 am - 1st Worship Service
11:00 am - 2nd Worship Service
View Sunday's 11:00 worship service on YouTube.
Summer Schedule (Memorial Day through Labor Day)
9:00 am - 1st Worship Service
11:00 am - 2nd Worship Service
9:45 am - Sunday School for all ages
Classes are held in the Christian Education Building.
Summer Schedule (Memorial Day through Labor Day)
Sunday School does not meet during the summer.
Parents, please register your children here.
Ages 2 years - Kindergarten: Nursery & Toddler Church is available every Sunday during the 2nd service.
Grades 1 - 3: Jr. Church is available during the 2nd service, except on Communion Sundays (first Sunday of each month).
The nursery and toddler room are not staffed during the 8:00 am service, but parents of young children are welcome to use the children's facilities.
Bible Study: Wednesdays at 6:30 pm
Chapel Main Auditorium
What does it mean to "become a Christian?"
To learn more about what Jesus has done for each of us, watch the short video The Story of God's Amazing Love. If you have further questions and would like to know more, or if you are ready to commit your life to Christ, one of our pastors or elders will be happy to speak with you. You can get in touch by emailing or calling 907-345-4424, ext. 2.