Opportunities to Serve

As each has received a gift, use it to serve one another, 

as good stewards of God's varied grace

                                                                                                                 1 Peter 4: 10

  • Ushers and Greeters

    Be one of the first friendly faces that newcomers see when they walk in the door on Sunday morning. Help our visitors feel welcome by greeting them and helping them get settled before the service.  Contact Scott McKay at cygnusx29@gmail.com (preferred) or text/phone 907-743-8076.

  • Children's Ministry

    Nursery & Toddler Church: Chapel by the Sea nursery and toddler church programs are currently looking for volunteers to serve once or twice a quarter. Training is provided. 

    Junior Church, 1st - 3rd grades (11:00 service only):  Teachers are needed to volunteer, whether for one Sunday or more.  The curriculum is low preparation, and is fun and engaging for the children.  

    For more information or to volunteer:  please contact Brad Mondeel at 907-350-8751 (call/text) or bmondeelcbts@gmail.com.

  • Monthly Communion

    Includes set-up, replenishing the elements for the second service, and clean-up. Time commitment is approximately 3 - 4 hours and training is available. Sign up form is in the main kitchen.

  • Sunday Morning Coffee Fellowship

    Beverage Prep and Service: Volunteers are needed throughout the year. If you enjoy the hot drinks served on Sunday morning, please sign up on the roster next to the coffee area.

    Snacks: Anyone is welcome to bring something to share during coffee time; no need to sign up.  Small finger-foods only, please.