We meet in a small chapel overlooking Cook Inlet built in 1975. Huge windows look south across Turnagain Arm.
From September to mid-May we have two
identical Sunday services: 8:00 am and 11:00 am,
with Sunday School classes for all ages at 9:45 am. In the Summer months our schedule may vary; please check here for the most current information.
Worship songs mix traditional and contemporary, incorporating a variety of instrumentation.
We stand to sing, believing it helps us to be more engaged. There is a 15-20 minute break before and after Bible classes. And yes - there's coffee (and tea).
Our services tend to traditional, yet feel informal. Some men wear ties; most do not. You will see casual to quite spiffy dress. Our focus is not wardrobe, but worship.
You won't see offering plates. People leave their gifts to the Lord in the offering box in the foyer.
We serve open Communion the first Sunday of each month.
This means if you are a follower of Christ,
we invite you to participate.
Each week we have public prayer. No one is put on the spot, but you have opportunity to speak out loud to the congregation about your desire for prayer or praise.
Preaching of the Word of God (Bible) is normally exegetical, opening the meaning of the scripture line by line, verse by verse. Occasionally we have guest speakers and special
presentations. Services run about 70 - 85 minutes.