
Praise God!  God Answers Prayer!

We need to call on God all the time; He's the Source of power for living. We are a praying church.

Here are opportunities for group prayer. 


  During the services, we pray for one another

during our open prayer time.


6:30 pm -- our weekly Bible study begins with an open prayer time. All adults welcome.

If you have a prayer request that you would

like to pass on to our prayer chain, 


Adult Classes

Sunday School classes are held each Sunday morning

September - May, from 9:40-10:40 am.

Sunday School doesn't meet during the summer.

The adult class studies different books of the Bible

and various topics throughout the year. 

You are welcome to just drop in for a class meeting! 

The main adult class meets in the Multi-Purpose Room.


Adult Bible Study on Wednesday evenings, 6:30pm

in the Main Auditorium.


Men's Prayer Gathering 

Fridays at 6:30 am in the Conference Room (upstairs in the Education Building).

Fellowship Breakfast

Usually the 3rd Saturday of the month, 7:30-9:30 am, in the main auditorium.  Check the calendar for current schedule.  Campus service projects are occasionally included after the breakfast.


Women's Fellowship

first Saturday of every month, 10 am -11:30am,

in the Multi-Purpose Room.  This is an informal gathering for

fellowship, prayer, and a devotional. 

Open to all adult women.

Sew/Craft Day 

third Saturday of every month, 10am-4pm, 

in the Haven.  We're always set up for sewing, 

but any/all crafts are welcome. 

Even if you don't craft or sew, come for the fellowship!

Other Activities

The Chapel women gather often for other events. 

Watch the Chapel calendar or weekly newsletter

to see what's on the schedule.  


GriefShare is a friendly, caring group of people who will walk alongside you through one of life’s most difficult experiences. You don’t have to go through the grieving process alone.

GriefShare seminars and support groups are led by people who understand what you are going through and want to help. You’ll gain access to valuable GriefShare resources to help you recover from your loss and look forward to rebuilding your life.

Find more information about GriefShare here.


Grades 7 - 12

Our youth ministry primarily focuses on the

following areas of our Christian lives: 

Increasing Biblical knowledge

Strengthening our faith in Christ

Nurturing relationships through discipleship

Community/mission outreach. 

We use the 'Remind' app to communicate

most information about events. 

Students and parents can access Remind as follows:

To receive information via text

send @cbtsyouth to the number 81010

To receive information via email


Tyler Jackson, Youth Pastor: 907-230-1146 or

The application to work in Children's/Youth Ministry

is available here.  


Sunday School begins September 8.  

Register here for Children's Sunday School

Children are very important to us. They are messengers to a time we'll never see. We love children and try to support and assist the vital spiritual connection parents have to their kids. A primary goal is to introduce them to the Lord Jesus Christ.

Children's Ministries at the Chapel include Sunday School during the school year, Toddler & Junior Church (2nd Service), and a staffed nursery (2nd Service).  

All of our teachers and leaders who interact regularly with children and teens are fully screened according to current best practices.

Would you like to serve in children's ministry? Call 907-345-4424 ext. 2,  to contact the Chapel office.

The application to work in Children's/Youth Ministry is available here.


Worship is a matter of the heart. We are made to worship. We cannot not worship, just like the sun cannot not shine. It was made to do that. Shining is its nature. Worshiping is our nature. We will worship someone or something. Our purpose is to focus it in the right direction - Jesus.


Worship is how we live. Music is just one expression of worship. Sure, it's important. It's a beautiful gift given by God before the creation of the earth, and which will last when time is ended. But it's only one part of worship.

We who meet at the Chapel sing. Actually, we'd be disobeying some of God's commands if we didn't. We sing with piano and organ. We sing with guitars. We sing with strings. Occasionally we sing with voices only. We sing new. We sing old. The style is less important than the heart attitude. The choir welcomes new members.  No tryouts necessary! 

Before we leave this subject: one thing we know: every old song was once new, and the age of a song is not a criterion that matters to God. We invite you to join wholeheartedly.